John Carr

b. 04/06/1841
Drury Lane, Sunderland Union, Sunderland West, Durham


Francis Carr
Ann Bowhill
[View Ancestors]

Also known as

John Kare

Did You Know?

  • There are entries in the GRO birth index for John Carr and Richard Carr but no corresponding baptisms, and baptisms for Nicholas Carr and Henry Carr sons of Francis Carr and Ann Bowhill in the Bishop's Transcripts but no entries in the index, so I wonder if it's possible if they were the same people but were given different names. Nicholas's day of birth (4th June) was the same as John's, and the pairs never appear in the same census together - the 1841 census has John, 1851 has Nicholas and Richard, and 1861 has Nicholas and Henry.


04/06/1841 Drury Lane, Sunderland West, Sunderland Union, Durham
07/06/1841 Drury Lane, Sunderland West, Sunderland Union, Durham
Please note that map data is based on modern streets and house numbers (where a street of that name still exists), and may not reflect the actual historical location.